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An Abundant Vision

By Ken Honda | Published October 17, 2023

Many abundant blessings to you, and may your path be clear towards your radiant future! I hope you can tell I am very excited because soon, I am traveling to Hawaii for many different seminars, workshops, and events. I anticipate a lot of fun, good connections, and learning while in a beautiful land. While on tour I will teach about the principles of Happy Money:

  • How to infuse positivity into your financial life.
  • Discovering how your money mindset and beliefs impact your financial success. 
  • Uncovering secrets about transforming money from a source of worry to a source of joy

… and much more

Going over the basics of Happy Money revitalizes my own practice while also letting me connect with my students and community with fresh eyes and open heart. This thought of fresh eyes and an open heart leads me to a major theme of my time in Hawaii this year – our vision for our life and the heart’s abundance. 

Vision is the compass that guides our journey through life, offering us a clear direction and a purposeful path. It ignites our passions, fuels our dreams, and inspires us to reach for the stars. Vision is the North Star of our existence, and its importance in shaping our destiny cannot be overstated. Abundance goes far beyond monetary wealth; it encompasses richness in all its forms, from love and friendship to health and personal growth. Understanding how to manifest this abundance is key to realizing the vision you hold dear.

When we combine these topics we have an opportunity to really lift our spirits in a way that can make a good change!

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