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"Happy Money is the fast track to finding ways to experience happiness and abundance together."
"Ken Honda’s wisdom, intellect, success, and achievement combined with his spirituality, love, and compassion make him the perfect person to bring forth this conversation about healing and happiness."
"Happy Money isn’t just your normal self-help book about money. It transforms everything you think about money and therefore your life."
"A perfect, concise explanation of how to change your relationship with money from struggle and friction to easy flow."
Arjuna ArdaghAuthor of The Translucent Revolution
“Happy Money will transform your life because it’s about how you feel about yourself, energy, and your own consciousness—as you shift that, money will flow.”
Kute BlacksonAuthor of You. Are. The. One.
“Ken Honda is funny, real, and gives us the opportunity to transform our lives when it comes to money, abundance, and prosperity."
Sheri SalataAuthor of The Beautiful No
“Whatever happens, you can say thank you. Thank you are two most powerful words that will help you to start to transform your relationship with money.”
–Ken Honda
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“Ken Honda’s wisdom, intellect, success, and achievement combined with his spirituality, love, and compassion make him the perfect person to bring forth this conversation about healing and happiness.”
–Lisa Nichols
New York Times bestselling author of Abundance Now