



As seen on:

Transform your relationship with money

Transform your relationship with life

I have been blessed to not only have been mentored by some of the most phenomenal teachers I could hope for, but also to have been honored to mentor so many amazing souls who have gone onto create amazing opportunities for themselves and find peace with their finances. Most people in the world have an unhappy relationship with money and I want to spark a wave of enlightenment when it comes to how we as a world relate with money.

I am now offering courses in English so that the message of happy money can be shared with even more people. More courses will be coming, so sign up for my email list to be kept in the loop

True Wealth Mastery With Ken Honda

True Wealth Mastery

Create a wealthier, richer life and manifest success in areas beyond money. This transformational 12-week guided cohort program blends wealth-building with emotional well-being practices, drawing from the insights Ken has gained by working with 12,000 Japanese millionaires. You’ll build the core fundamentals of true wealth, attract abundant synchronicities, manifest your life’s desires, and unlock your greatest potential in an environment designed for growth. This is more than a program; it’s the beginning of the rest of your new life. With Ken Honda as your mentor and coach, you’ll overcome deep-rooted money traumas, master the energy of wealth, and achieve financial freedom on your terms to live the most abundant year of your life yet.

The Happy Money Paraliminal

Challenge and transform negative money skills and habits and replace them with new perspectives and intuitive insights and actions.

In this course, you will realign your brain and energize your spirit easily by listening to non-conscious learning audio lessons.

Effortlessly dissolve emotional blockages that restrict your flow of abundance and happiness. Increase your capacity to direct that flow with confidence, vision, and joy. Benefit from the positive flow of energy your gratitude brings.


The Japanese art of
happy money

with the Daily OM

Make money your trusted friend

Take control of your emotional relationship with money by learning the specific ways that money affects your emotions and identifying which patterns are specifically at work in your life. This journey will take you through all the experiences, both happy and difficult, that created the set of beliefs you now hold about money, many of which may be limiting you from reaching your true potential.


Learn how to heal past “money wounds,” re-evaluate relationships, and recalibrate your relationship with money so that it becomes a source of happiness in your life.

Join the course
over at the Daily OM

Money EQ

with Mindvalley

The little-known truth about money can be summed up in two words: Money EQ

Through generations of conditioning, society has trained us to focus only on the mechanics of making money: like earning, saving, investing, and spending. This common approach is known as Money IQ. Some would even say it forms the foundation of the American Dream.


But is the dream broken? Look at the global statistics on issues like wealth distribution and upward mobility, and you’ll find the answer is YES.


Your Money EQ is a reflection of your personal beliefs, thoughts and emotions about money. It’s how your subconscious mind makes financial decisions on autopilot.


In this program you’ll discover that having a high Money EQ is not a gift or talent. It’s a skill anyone can learn, by following the right steps to retrain the brain, with brain training exercises by Dr. Scott Mills.

Join the Free mastermind
over at Mindvalley

The Japanese art of
making peace with your money

with the Shift Network

Heal your family money wounds
& clear energy blocks

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Register over at the Shift Network

People are transforming
their relationships with money

"Every Quest I must say I cried like a baby, I love my money conversations as money is my new best friend and I am happy to be part of a great blessed community with a great phenomenal teacher, HONDA. Thank you so much, and I will be going back on this quest over and over again."

–Habil M.

"So many amazing things have changed in me with this Quest. I feel so much at peace with my money, my work, the value of my life and what I do. So sweet the healing of the wounds (which I will continue to work) so many understandings on how everything started... Now I feel a new life. Thanks Ken and Scott. Thank you Thank you."

–Marcela A.

"I'm so excited I've been shifting and so many great vibrations are emerging! It's like planting a seed, watering it and watching the beautiful flowers appear!"

– Johnetta C.

"It ‘s quite extraordinary to be able to fully understand the energy body and flows of money through this course. Being a money magnet is not a strange foreign concept to me anymore. All became easy. Everything flows nicely when we allow our gratitude to make life joyful and forgiving for others and ourselves and our mistakes."

–Alex R.

"Yesterday I finished the last day of Money EQ. I want to thank Ken Honda, Dr. Scott Mills and the tribe for being so supportive on our journey. It has been so good to know I am doing this together with others. As a self-employed artist I live with a lot of uncertainty with money. I feel calmer now in the sense that I can trust that money will flow freely, and even in periods where I don't earn so much, I can still trust that money is my friend."

–Anne O.

“Whatever happens, you can say thank you. Thank you are two most powerful words that will help you to start to transform your relationship with money.”

–Ken Honda

“Ken Honda’s wisdom, intellect, success, and achievement combined with his spirituality, love, and compassion make him the perfect person to bring forth this conversation about healing and happiness.”
–Lisa Nichols
New York Times bestselling author of Abundance Now