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Is It Too Late to Succeed?

By Ken Honda | Published August 13, 2024

Have you ever found yourself comparing your journey to others? It’s a common struggle, especially when it comes to money and success.

Comparing ourselves to others and judging our progress based on what they seem to “have” can be all too easy. 

I want you to know…You’re not alone in this! 

People often ask me, “What’s necessary for success?”

My answer has always been, “The future you want begins the moment you make a decision.”

Delaying big decisions like pursuing higher education, changing jobs, or seeking financial independence might bring temporary stability by staying in your comfort zone, but you will never experience a life that makes your heart dance with joy.

Imagine doing what you love without worrying about bills, spending quality time with loved ones, and trusting that everything will work out.

Many of us hesitate to make decisions because we fear making mistakes. But mistakes are going to happen, they are part of the journey. Success and failure are intertwined; success teaches what works, while failure teaches resilience and perseverance.

Plus the potential for failure often makes success more rewarding. Professional athletes understand this well!

When you decide on something, life starts moving. No talent, money, or even time is required at the moment you make the decision.

You will never come across something you cannot decide about in this lifetime. When you realize that’s how the world works, doesn’t it feel exciting to know each decision you make will make your life more interesting?

Start by making conscious decisions today – big and small – from choosing what to eat to planning your day off. Curiosity is all you need at first.  When you decide to take the plunge, doors to a world beyond your logical imagination swing open. 

If you can’t decide on something, it will not become a reality. So, have the courage to make decisions that will shape your life. And before you know it, decision-making will becomes easier.

What or who will empower you to turn your new understanding of decisions into something real and practical for you?

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