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Do Dreams Come True?

By Ken Honda | Published August 20, 2024

Do you remember the feeling of achieving a goal? Did it meet your expectations, or did it exceed them?

Every day, we set goals. Some are small and easily attainable, like preparing for a meeting. 

But we also have big and intimidating goals that may make us doubt ourselves, overanalyze, and procrastinate to take action.

Denzel Washington once said:

“Dreams without goals are just dreams. Goals without action are just dreams.” 

Taking action doesn’t always mean meticulous planning or relentless hard work. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, the outcomes don’t match our hopes. 

But there’s a powerful component we often overlook. It’s about aligning your dreams with your values and allowing synchronicities to guide you.

Life has a way of helping us along our journey; there is no such thing as a simple coincidence in this world. Each event is a sign that you’re on the right path.

Let me share my personal example: 

I pursued my dream of becoming an international bestselling author. I’ve been helping people create a new relationship with money for the past 25 years in Japan. 

But fear was always looming around me. I felt so shy and actually scared to venture into a new culture. Yet through a series of seemingly random events, I found my work being published by Hay House and I now get to connect with new readers around the world. 

It felt as if fate had already decided this would happen!

Every interaction shapes our journey somehow, and we’re all connected. Embracing the belief that we’re guided by a force beyond ourselves will make your life more exhilarating.

Trust that everything falls into place perfectly, even if it doesn’t align with our expectations. Embrace the journey with less stress and more gratitude.

What dream burns brightest in your heart right now? Be specific.

Claim ownership of your aspirations without holding back. And allow synchronicities to guide you to your wildest dreams.

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